Importance of Soil Testing Before Growing a Food Plot

Investing on growing a food plot can prove to be quite lucrative. However, if you do not embark on this project with the right information at hand, you could end up bleeding exorbitant amounts of money in losses. Food plots not only require the right fertilizer, they also require the right farming equipment to ensure that the crops flourish. One of the aspects that some people forget to consider when growing a food plot is conducting a soil test. Soil tests primarily check the pH levels the soil and this can help you determine an array of needs for your plants. Here are some of the reasons why it is important to opt for soil testing before growing a food plot.

Soil testing ensures you select the right plants to grow

Opting to grow a food plot is not simply about selecting the first plants that catch your fancy. Not only does the forage you select have to be profitable for your endeavor, but it also has to be able to thrive in the soil that you will be growing it in. The only way of determining this would be by carrying out a soil test to establish the acidity and the alkalinity of the soil. Some plants fare well in acidic conditions, whereas others would require a more alkaline environment to thrive. This in turn ensures that you invest in the right forage and make changes to the plants you were intending on growing if so need be.

Soil testing ensures the right amount of lime is applied in the soil

Applying lime in soil is a common practice that is used to balance out the pH levels of the soil. The common types of lime used are chalk or limestone. These have high levels of calcium carbonate, which work toward decreasing the acidity of the soil. Having a soil test done will give you an accurate understanding on whether your soil requires lime and what amounts would be beneficial for your forage choice. Additionally, lime can be a source of magnesium for your soil. This type of lime is known as dolomitic lime. It can come in handy if your soil test shows that your soil has a significant deficiency in magnesium.

Soil testing ensures proper fertilization is carried out

Contrary to popular belief, constant fertilization of your soil does not necessarily mean you will reap a bountiful crop harvest. It should be noted that different types of forage would have different nutritional needs. As such, it is not simply about feeding your soil with generic fertilizer and hoping that this will make your plants thrive. A soil test gives you a comprehensive analysis of your soil's composition. With this in mind and the nutritional needs of your plant of choice, you are better placed at making an informed decision on what type of fertilizer would be best suited for the success of your food plot. 
