3 Cleaning Solutions for Your Bathroom Tiles

Tiles are not just a practical covering for your bathroom walls and floor; they can also be a great design feature.To keep them looking impressive, you'll want to keep the grouted areas clean. After all, replacing tiles is no easy task. It requires time, money and a fair amount of skill. They look great when they're new, but they can look grubby in no time at all as the grout becomes stained. There are numerous products on the market specially designed for tile and grout cleaning, but some can be expensive, and they're not always effective. If you'd rather not spend a lot of money, then check out these three cheap options that work brilliantly to get your tiles looking like new.

The Natural Solution: Baking Soda, Vinegar and Lemon Solution

In a clean spray bottle, mix 7 cups of water with 1 cup of baking powder, 1/4 of a cup of white vinegar and 1/3 of a cup of lemon juice. Spray the solution onto your tiles and grout, making sure you get even coverage and leave for a few minutes to dissolve the dirt. Use a scrubbing brush and a little elbow grease to get your tiles looking like new in no time at all. Rinse with clean cold water.

If you have any mixture and energy left over, this solution works well for windows and mirrors too.

The Easy Solution: Magic Eraser Sponges

This is a simple method to clean your grout. It's not as cheap as the natural solution, but it requires less energy. A pack of sponges can be picked up for less than $5.00

Wet a sponge until it's somewhere between wet and damp. Scrub along the grouted lines firmly, squeezing the sponge gently to loosen the dirt, then wipe the dirt away using a clean, dry rag. You will need to use a new magic eraser sponge the next time you clean.

The Chemical Solution: Bleach

Good old fashioned bleach works well for cleaning tiles and grout. Wear gloves and a face mask, and open a window to keep fume inhalation to a minimum. A good quality bleach spray is the preference for this job.

Spray the area with the bleach solution and allow it to sit for 30 minutes. The bleach will loosen the dirt and sink into any mould or stains in your grout. Take an old toothbrush and scrub along the grout lines to remove any stubborn stains. Rinse with clean water and wipe with a clean, dry rag. Regular cleaning with bleach will not only keep your grout white, it will also help keep mould at bay.

Now you've done the hard work, you can minimise the future buildup of dirt and subsequent discolouration. Take an ordinary household white candle and rub it along the grout. This leaves a layer of protection that protects the grout from dirt and mould. For more information or advice, contact a business such as Riteway Cleaning Services.
