What Do You Do When Your Glass Splashback Is Becoming Unglued?

A glass splashback is both a functional and aesthetically pleasing way to keep your kitchen walls from being damaged while you're cooking up a storm. However, when your splashback starts falling away from the wall, it is important you take immediate action if you hope to salvage the splashback for reuse. So, do you know what to do when you suspect your splashback is becoming unglued?

How Do You Know The Splashback Is Failing?

The fastest way you will tell that your splashback has been compromised is to look through the product to the wall behind it. If there is any sign of dirt/dust accumulation, trapped moisture or mildew growth, then the glue holding it in place against the wall is failing. There are now gaps between the splashback and the wall, and these gaps are allowing contaminants to become trapped.

Once you notice these signs, it is necessary to remove the splashback. The wall also needs to be cleaned and all contamination removed before you can reinstall the splashback on the wall.

How Do You Remove The Splashback?

Removing the splashback can be done in one of two ways, but the removal method will depend on whether you want to reuse it, or if you plan to install a new one. A chipping tool such as a chisel or a crowbar is the most forceful way to pry the splashback away from the wall. However, if you're not experienced in being delicate while using these tools, you could end up with a smashed splashback or a hole in your wall from using too much force.

The second option is to call a contractor who has experience in removing this type of glass. They know how to remove the caulk seal around the splashback by using either a solvent to dissolve it or tools to chip it away. Additionally, they can check to see where the adhesive was applied behind the splashback and will let you know the odds of getting it off in one piece.

If the adhesive was only applied around the edge of the splashback, for example, then it may be possible to chip through this adhesive line to remove the splashback in one piece. But, if the adhesive was swirled all over the rear of the splashback, the only removal option will be to break it into pieces and pry these off the wall.

Don't let your splashback become a contamination point for mould, mildew and dust. Instead, have a glass splashbacks contractor determine the next best course of action for it so that you can get back to cooking with the best wall protection in place.
