Tips to Prevent Pipes from Freezing

One of the biggest plumbing-related disasters that can occur within your home is common during the winter months. Frozen pipes are a major problem because they can result in bursting pipes. When water freezes within a pipe, it has the ability to expand and increases the amount of pressure that exists within the pipe. This expansion typically results in the pipe bursting and large amounts of water being spewed throughout your home. This means that if you are looking to avoid the repair costs associated with frozen and bursting pipes, you need to be aware of the most helpful tips designed to prevent your pipes from freezing in the first place.


It is always a good idea to take prevention steps before the cold sets in. This means that you should make sure that the pipes within your home are insulated before winter approaches. Exposed pipes are the ones that are most vulnerable to freezing, so these should always be the priority when you are insulating pipes. Heat tape can also be used for wrapping around the pipes, but it is a god idea to check for any openings before you apply heat tape. You want to be sure that cold air does not have access to the pipes in any way through any openings. This means that all leaks need to be sealed. Even a small opening can let enough cold air in to freeze pipes, so caulking needs to be used to eliminate all openings of any size.


It is also a good idea to make sure that garden hose is disconnected before winter sets in. It can also be a good idea to make sure that the water going to outdoor pipes is shut off. It is possible that these pipes are the ones that are most likely to freeze, but using an indoor valve to shut off this water can keep these pipes from freezing if no water is present.

Hot Water

It can also be a good idea to allow one of your faucets to drip hot water. Even a small amount of hot water can be an effective way to keep your pipes from freezing. A faucet that is positioned at an outside wall can be the best option. Just allow a small drip of hot water during the nighttime to run in order to prevent the pipes from freezing. Once you turn the faucets on and no water comes out, it is too late to prevent against freezing, because the pipes are already frozen at this point and require the services of an emergency plumber.